ThetaHealing™ Sessions

Book a 1-1 session to identify and shift negative beliefs, trauma and emotions, promoting emotional well-being.

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What is ThetaHealing™?

ThetaHealing™ is like an upgrade for your mind and spirit. It's about feeling and belief work.

Developed in the 1990's by Vianna Stibal, this unique spiritual healing technique, known as ThetaHealing™, played a pivotal role in her personal healing journey following an illness.

ThetaHealing™ is a meditation approach to guide individuals into the Theta Brainwave state, guiding the client into a deeply relaxed feeling. In this state, Theta Healers™ can effectively communicate with the subconscious mind.

It rewires deep-seated beliefs and transforms limiting thoughts and emotions, opening up new possibilities and empowering you to live your best life. It's the secret key to unlocking your full potential and creating the life you've always dreamed of. ThetaHealing™ can be a profound catalyst for personal growth, helping you let go of what no longer serves you and embrace the life you truly desire. A session with Danielle looks like a mix of coaching and energy healing. 

What Can ThetaHealing Help With?

Through accessing your subconscious mind, ThetaHealing™ can help you overcome emotional challenges and trauma, boost your self-confidence and help you manifest your dreams and goals. It can also guide you in nurturing healthy and harmonious relationships. By working with theta waves, which are associated with deep meditation and heightened spiritual awareness, ThetaHealing™ can have a positive impact on various aspects of your life. These include weight management, increased energy and motivation, improved health, finding love and soulmates, healing from heartbreak, conquering fears and phobias, addressing emotional issues, coping with grief, managing stress and anxiety, and supporting your spiritual evolution. Expect to live a more empowered life, make courageous decisions aligned with your desires, and achieve greater authenticity.

A Client Example:

Let's take "Laura," for instance, a previous client, whose real name is protected from this share. She has been struggling with self-esteem issues for years. The constant self-doubt has made her hesitant in her career, hindered her from forming meaningful relationships and left her feeling unhappy. Laura's low self-confidence held her back from pursuing her dream job as an entrepreneur, engaging in open and fulfilling connections and going after her biggest goals and dreams.

"Laura" booked a series of ThetaHealing™ sessions with Danielle to seek guidance. The sessions helped her discover the underlying causes of her self-esteem challenges, what were buried in her subconscious. Through meditation and intuitive healing, the negative beliefs and emotions contributing to her low self-esteem and were identified and transformed using the ThetaHealing™ method. As Laura continued her ThetaHealing™ sessions, she looked noticed a significant boost in self-confidence. Her breakthroughs led to attracting more aligned relationships where she was able to confidently speak her truth and show up as her real, raw self without the self doubt wondering if she needed to hold back who she was in order to be accepted by someone else. She also experienced having a more positive uplifting mindset while working with Danielle. Laura is now pursuing the creation of her own business and has stepped away from her previous career which was not fulfilling. ThetaHealing™ has empowered Laura to overcome her self-imposed limitations, allowing her to live authentically, boldly and aligned with her desires.

Book Now

Now's your moment to shine. You don't have to hide or play small anymore. In Danielle's ThetaHealing™ sessions, you're stepping into a brighter, more authentic version of yourself. She's here to help you release what's been holding you back and start living the life you truly desire. So, no more waiting - it's time to connect with your inner power, be fearless, and create the life you've been yearning for. The opportunity for transformation is right here. Book a session today!