Empowered Entrepreneur Program: Starts March 4th!









We start the next round of EEP in 2022.


All The Tools You Need To Become Successful in Your Health & Wellness Biz

I know what it feels like to be overworked, stressed out about the backend tech stuff, overwhelmed with a lengthy to-do list, trying everything to get traction in your biz and nothing effectively works.

I completely transformed my business with these proven methods. I will teach you how to streamline your business, free up your time from a to-list that is clearly not working for you, release the mindset roadblocks that make you doubt yourself and your abilities, learn how to build a strong foundation that you feel aligned and fulfilled with and an organized and detailed business blueprint to welcome more income and clients into your biz. 

This is your golden opportunity to be guided through the exact steps I took in my business to be successful.

This program is for Health & Wellness Entrepreneurs:

  • Health Coaches,

  • Life Coaches,

  • Yoga Teachers,
  • Meditation Teachers,
  • Reiki Healers,
  • Light Workers,
  • Nutritionists,
  • Mental Health Coaches,
  • Self Care Coaches,
  • Relationship Coaches,
  • Therapists,
  • Human Design Coaches,
  • Astrologists,
  • Breath-work Facilitators,
  • Energy Healers,
  • Acupuncturists,
  • Functional Medicine Doctors,
  • Retreat Leaders,
  • Herbal Medicine Specialists, 
  • and Health & Wellness Advocates

Learn how to:

  • Get visible online,
  • Get more followers,
  • Become a known expert in your niche,
  • Book more clients,
  • Overcome your biggest mindset roadblocks,
  • Confidently sell without sounding salesy,
  • Boost your engagement,
  • Efficiently batch content,
  • Create a marketing strategy that works,
  • Increase your income,
  • Scale your business and
  • Radiate your mission & message in the world by being bold and authentic sharing your expertise.

“I really appreciate how well thought out the program is. I am learning a range of things that will help me be successful in my business. Danielle is an effective coach who listens and affirms our greatness but also holds the bar high and encourages us to reach it."

-Joslyn R.

"This program is everything! I finally discovered the direction I want to take my business, I am more confident in speaking about what I do, confident in navigating social media, AND I feel like I’m an overall better businesswoman. I’m attracting my ideal clients left and right, and I owe it all to the manifestation teachings this program offers!"

-Jessica F.

The best time to start investing in yourself was a year ago.

If you keep telling yourself excuses for not taking action on creating that successful life of yours - then you are going to stay stuck where you are at now.


“I’ll wait til I can afford it,”

“I don’t have the time right now,”

“I need more money in the bank,”

“I’ll do it next time...”


I’ve heard them all and I’ve said them all.

They are all excuses to hide the fact that you are scared to do the work. You are scared to be accountable. You are scared of change.

But what’s on the other side of these excuses is growth, courage, expansion and wealth.

Break out of your safe comfort zone bubble and feel what it’s like to be powerful, energized and abundant.

We can’t go back in time.  When an opportunity comes a knocking - don’t let it slip by you. You don’t want to feel regretful for not taking action.

About Your Mentor & Coach,

Danielle Klein:

I started on my spiritual path because of depression after a divorce. I was lost, unsure of myself and had no clue how I was meant to contribute to the world while also being mentally and spiritually fulfilled. Every 9-5 job made me miserable as I so badly craved more creativity, a flexible schedule and freedom to still enjoy living life without being glued to a desk all day staring at a computer screen.

My depression and isolation phase led me to practicing yoga, saving me and transforming my mindset, energy and bringing me back to my authentic self again. The drastic shift in my life inspired me to help others through their healing journey. 

After becoming a yoga and meditation teacher, fitness instructor and health coach and building a profitable business for myself, other industry coaches would come to me asking how I created a successful biz in the health & wellness industry and how to help them do the same.

Naturally, the Universe guided me to become a Business Coach for Wellpreneurs where I could utilize my business degree and extensive marketing and sales background (having worked for fortune 500 companies and with high level executives).

As a Health & Wellness industry expert I understand your expertise and know exactly how to help you build your business using a creative, competitive edge that will help you stand out and be seen.

I always knew I was a leader and teacher but never sure of what exactly. When I narrowed down this mission of mine to bring more clarity and inspiration to Wellpreneurs, leading them through breakthroughs to fast track their progress, that’s when my soul ignited again. 

And it’s because I’m helping you light up your soul so you can be of service to more people in this world.

I’m here to help you be the best coach, healer and teacher, that you truly are. I’m here to help you create a clear plan of action to make those big impacts that you so strongly desire to make in this world.

Together, we can make shifts that last for generations.

This is why I am a Spiritual Life & Business Coach and this is why I am passionate about helping Wellness Advocates.


What's Included?

Exclusive Online Portal Access

Easy to navigate, bonus course content, instructional videos, tutorials, guided meditations & so much more!


Deep dive into your personal perspective analysis. Uncover the subconscious beliefs that have been holding you back. Build a business that fulfills you and connects you to your mission and purpose.

Unstoppable Mindset

Learn and implement ways to reprogram your subconscious mind to reveal the most bold, confident and empowered leader that you truly are. Remove and dissolve the blocks that have been doubting yourself, doubting your abilities and making you play small in your life and biz for years.

Strategies & Blueprints

Learn how to streamline your business and maximize efficiency and productivity with ease.  Easy step by step guides to automate systems and free up your precious time from those time consuming manual daily tasks. No more technology frustrations.

Effective Marketing

Create an organized strategy that works for your unique energy, vision and industry. Identify who your dream clients are, where they are online and how to get in front of them every day. Grow your audience, boost your engagement and convert followers to sales.

Action Plan

Get clarity on your financial goals and fine tune a personal plan that aligns with your bigger vision. Feel aligned with your pricing structure, create a launching plan and become confident in your sales pitch.

We meet weekly for our LIVE group sessions.

First session is TBD (2022).

Session length: 2-2.5 hours each

Bonuses: Hot Seat Sessions, Breakthrough Sessions and LIVE Q&A

3 Investment Options & Payment Plans Available.

*When you apply and schedule your FREE discovery call, this does not guarantee your invitation to enroll.

What's inside the 12 Weeks and 12 topics?

Authenticity & Intentions

Gain clarity on who you are as a leader and why you are passionate about your mission.

Competitive Edge

Identify your unique value and how to stand out in your industry.

Diversity, Inclusion & Equity

Clearly state your intentions about your efforts to support the principles within your business. Contribute to a culture of anti-racism and stay committed to these values.


Define who you are as a brand and articulate a genuine sensory message that builds a powerful presence that is recognized by your dream clients.

Grow Your Audience

Improve conversions, amplify your marketing and grow your audience with an irresistible lead magnet. Create raving fans that are loyal to your brand and convert subscribers into buyers.

Marketing Strategy & Content Creation

Authentically communicate your brand and personality through your unique story, value adding educational content and sensory experience messaging that effectively grows your audience.

Scaling to Profit

Structure a sustainable business where you can work less and increase your revenue.  Implement systems that build more capacity for handling business growth.

Pricing & Selling

Rewire your financial programming and know your worth. Become an empowered spiritual leader that attracts your ideal client’s attention, interest and purchase by creating trust & rapport with your audience.  Practice your pitch, know your influence and close the deal with confidence.

Salespages & Landing Pages

From headlines, CTA’s, buttons and messaging, you will know the anatomy of a sales page that convinces your audience to make the purchase.

Launching Blueprint

Develop a clear step by step strategy to ramp up your audience for your products and services. Create a plan of action and clear all roadblocks to go all out with your offerings.

Financial Planning

Organize and track your finances to make tax season a breeze as you increase your revenue stream.

Big Vision & Action Plan Blueprint

Set future goals to structure your year ahead and plan for unstoppable success. Trust the delegation process as you continue to scale your business.

This Opportunity is for you if:

  • You are a Health & Wellness Coach, Leader, Teacher or Healer,

  • You are passionate about your craft and helping clients improve their quality of life with your services and offers,

  • You are comfortable using social media to market yourself and your biz,

  • You already love or are curious about manifesting, law of attraction, positive energy and elevating your energy,

  • You are willing to learn and adopt new ways of doing things aka you are coachable,

  • You can positively listen and implement feedback in a healthy and beneficial way,

  • You are ready and willing to invest your time, money and energy right NOW into your business because you believe in yourself,

  • You won't let excuses hold you back any longer,

  • You are ready to take action NOW to take your biz to the next level of success.

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I am Ready to Join the Waitlist!

"I would recommend this program because the program is very complete and the coach is amazing! I believe no one would regret taking this program. It has tons of good and useful information. I'm so happy that I took it and I have a plan and structure to follow!"

-Maria C.

"Danielle is uplifting, highly knowledgeable and the best cheerleader you could ask for! She is rooting for you every step of the way and truly believes in you and your ability to thrive. If you are on the fence, just do it! You will NOT regret it! Your biz will scale more than you could ever imagine. "

-Olivia L.

This Program is not for everyone. 

Will entrepreneurship be easy?⁠
No. It’s not for the faint of heart. It’s not for those who give up easily. It’s not for those who throw in the towel when stuff gets hard. But...⁠

🌟Will entrepreneurship be worth it?⁠
💕 You will have Freedom⁠ doing what you Love⁠,
💃🏻 You will be able to create your own schedule⁠,
You get to be Creative⁠ and think outside of the box⁠,
🙌 You get to be Resourceful⁠ using all of your Skills⁠ and
It's Incredibly Rewarding⁠.

Being an entrepreneur means you have an opportunity to make an impact by sharing your gifts, knowledge, experiences and your story that can motivate and inspire someone else on their journey.⁠

👉 Entrepreneurship will also test you in multiple ways, but your passion to help others and connecting back to your WHY you started in the first place will fuel you through any fears, doubts and challenges. ⁠

Whatever you thought was not possible becomes possible because your drive is powerful.⁠

💎 Being a part of a group of like-minded entrepreneurs in the same industry is an effective way to grow your business. Because you don't have to do it all alone. ⁠

You can have help from others who have a similar vision. ⁠

🌈 It's not about competition. It's about helping each other.

Expanding your network and collaborating with other high achievers in your industry opens the doors to new opportunities quickly and expands your reach to help more clients.⁠

If you have a strong desire to help improve the quality of life in other people then now is your time to pursue your passion of building your own business. ⁠

💥 It's a dis-service to the world to not share your expertise. ⁠

🌟 Feel the fear and start that business anyway.⁠

The world needs you. 🌏⁠

👉👉👉 The Empowered Entrepreneur Program is for Ambitious Health & Wellness Leaders who are ready to take action and will no longer settle for excuses running the show.

What you choose to do with your time now and how you feel about investing now will determine what financial situation you’ll be in next year. 

There will always be an excuse to not make a change. The fears, doubts, the worries ...

They will always be there, whether you take a chance to make a change or not. 

Here’s your chance to finally do something about the wealth and success you deserve. 

Are you in? Join the Waitlist Now!

"I have to shine a deserving spotlight to my completely inspirational business coach and mentor, Danielle Klein. She is living her purpose with purpose, on purpose and she shines....she’s a natural teacher and truly inspirational. It will serve & benefit you, on many levels, to seek out her services. I appreciate you and this experience, so very much Danielle."

-Jennifer D.

"I am feeling tremendously impressed with the amount of info and sheer resource that her portal provides. Having mediations and knowledge combined with prompts for journaling to identify key direction has been ideal for real breakthroughs."

-Cheris M.

The Empowered Entrepreneur

3 Month Intensive Mastermind

Say, "YES," to yourself and, "YES," to taking your business to the next level of success!